Institute for Multicultural Counseling & Education Services
A Private Non Profit Organization Associated with DPI/NGO
with ECOSOC Status of The United Nations for Human Rights
Our mental health services are designed with the philosophy of promotion of health and wellbeing while addressing specific illness.
Our services are comprehensive integrated to include many component of health, mental health, legal advocacy, social and other supportive services.
All of our services are monitored for quality assurance and quality improvement on an ongoing basis.
Our services are designed for all age groups with different intensity levels to be included in the following categories of service delivery:

IMCES Mental Health Services

IMCES Mental Health Services

IMCES Mental Health Services

IMCES Mental Health Services
Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI)
Outreach to Community
Identifying first sign of illness and providing early intervention
PIER Model for prevention of psychosis
Moderate Mental Illness (MMI)
Outpatient care services (OCS)
Serious Mental Illness (SMI)
Full service partnership (FSP)
Wraparound for all intensity levels
Domestic Violence Intervention Programs
Legal Services
Supportive Services
Court Approved Programs
Parent Education
Anger Management
Legal Advocacy
Social Advocacy
Life Skill Training
Skill Building Group
IMCES is a full service community mental health clinic serving individuals and families of all age groups, cultures and ethnicities. IMCES provides culturally and linguistically appropriate prevention early intervention (PEI) services to our diverse population. Our PEI services may include individual, family and group mental health services, education, support and outreach for children and families who may be affected by some level of mental health issues.
Outreach and Engagement
Individual, Group and
Family Therapy -
Case Management
Residents of Los Angeles County
Full Scope Medi-Cal
Have Medi-Cal coverage or have no private insurance
This program is designed to reach individuals between the ages of 26 - 59 years old who have a serious mental illness and may not be able or willing to utilize mental health services in traditional settings due to difficulties such as physical disabilities, transportation, or the stigma associated with mental health services.
IMCES is prepared to provide a full array of mental health services for FCCS including:
Outreach and engagement
Bio-psychosocial assessment
Individual and family treatment
Medication support
Specialized assessment and treatment interventions for co-occurring disorders
Family education and support
Linkage and case management support
Comprehensive, intensive, mental health services delivered in peoples' homes and communities:
Doctor appointment assistance
Help getting medications
Budgeting and benefits assistance
Peer support
Substance abuse treatment
Help finding a job or school
24/7 support
Help with goals important
to the client -
Help developing social relationships
Our mental health services for adults include initial and on-going assessment, treatment planning, employment assessment, social advocacy services, life skills training, and group interventions. A reduction or resolution of symptoms or problems enables our clients to gain and maintain employment and appropriate housing and to live more fulfilling lives. IMCES’s adult mental health services are contracted through the Department of Mental Health.
Armenian, Russian, and Iranian adults ages 26-59 with a serious mental illness who are:
In jail or often have contact with the
criminal justice system -
Often in psychiatric hospitals or receiving psychiatric emergency services
In an institution for mental disease or a state hospital
Living with family members and at risk for the above
The FSP program, in conjunction with the Department of Mental Health, provides intensive mental health and supportive services to clients. Services and support offered by FSP reflects five fundamental concepts including community collaboration, cultural competence, client/family driven service plans, wellness/recovery/resiliency focus and integrated services for the client and family.